Replace with your domain name.
1. Launch Apple Mail.
2. From the toolbar at the top, select File and then Add Account.
3. Enter your name (which will appear the “From” field in your emails), email address and password, then select Continue (forgotten passwords can be reset in your control panel)
4. Complete the information:
5. Apple Mail will now test the connection to the specified mail server. Once this is complete, select Continue.
6. When the Incoming Mail Security screen appears, ensure the Use Secure Socket Layer option is ticked. The authentication drop-down can remain on Password, select Continue.
7. Complete the information:
8. Select Continue
9. View the account summary and select Create. Ticking the Take my account online checkbox will ensure that your account is activated immediately.
* Note: In isolated cases mail.domain (e.g. won’t work. In these cases you will need to use the server name instead
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